• لَقَدۡ أَهۡلَكۡنَا مَا حَوۡلَكُم مِّنَ ٱلۡقُرَىٰ وَصَرَّفۡنَا ٱلۡأَيَـٰتِ لَعَلَّهُمۡ يَرۡجِعُونَ



Muhammad Sajjad District and Sessions Judge Muzaffarabad

The sole purpose of this website is to facilitate all the stakeholders including lawyers and litigants. In initial phase, this website will provide a quick access to information about litigation pending before district Courts at Muzaffarabad, including daily cause list and day by day progress of the cases. Courts at Muzaffarabad are functioning under the supervision of the High Court of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. District and Sessions Judge, is administrative head on all the subordinate Courts at district level. Our team is making full efforts to observe the law in performing sacred duty of administration of justice. My whole team is well aware about the fact that they are custodian of the rights of the people. We all are trying to adhere to the provision of law, the whole judicial work is done within the four corner of law. Courts have to follow the limitations and restrictions of law in exercise of its functions which may not effect the spirit of law. May Allah help all of us, Ameen.


Date Day Court Actions
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Court of District & Sessions Judge/District Criminal Court, Muzaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Ehtesab Court No. I, Muzaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Additional District & Session Judge/Additional District Criminal Court, Muzaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Additional District Judge/Reference Court, Muzaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Additional District Judge/Family Court, Muzaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Additional District & Sessions Judge, Naseerabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Senior Civil Judge/Judicial Magistrate/Tehsil Criminal Court Muzaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Civil Judge/Judicial Magistrate/Addl. Tehsil Criminal Court, No. I, Mazaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Civil Judge/Judicial Magistrate/Addl. Tehsil Criminal Court, No. II, Mazaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Civil Judge/Judicial Magistrate/Addl. Tehsil Criminal Court, No. III, Mazaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Civil Judge/Judicial Magistrate/Addl. Tehsil Criminal Court, No. IV, Mazaffarabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List
16 July, 2024 Tuesday Civil Judge/Judicial Magistrate/ Tehsil Criminal Court, Naseerabad View Cause List
17 July, 2024 Wednesday View Cause List


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AJK Supreme Court

AJK Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of AJK is the highest Court of appeal in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It consists of a Chief Justice and three other Judges.
AJK High Court

AJK High Court

The High Court of AJK is the second highest Court of appeal in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It consists of a Chief Justice and three other Judges.


The Sharit Court to examine and decide the question whether or not any law to the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Phrophet
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